About Us
What does SEPAG stand for?
S - Special
E - Education
P- Parents
A- Advisory
G - Group
Coming Together for Systemic Change
Rutherford SEPAG (sea-pag) is Rutherford's state-mandated, district-level, parent-driven group charged with providing input to Rutherford's school district on system-level challenges in special education and related services.
We are a committee that advises the Rutherford's School Distric Leaders and the Child Study Team on what systemic improvements may be needed to assist in-district and out-district Rutherford's special education parents better.
Along with the district, we also provide information, resources, events, and workshops for parents to empower them and help them with their child(ren) special education journey.
This is with the mission to improve
-educational outcomes and well-being for all students, including those with disabilities
-help identify unmet needs
-help develop programs, services, and policies; and improve district culture and climate
- help raise funds for certain systemic needs & resources
Within the parents-only events, all conversations are confidential.
Parents of children with an IEP, 504 or other special education services are the core members of the SEPAG.
We also serve any former special education student/parent, dedicated per-school special education teacher, child study team member, and any parent (family member) who may believe their child needs special education services.
Parents do not need special training or background knowledge to be a member of a SEPAG.
We will host parents only event/workshops, and all members events/workshop as well.
We are always looking for volunteers to lead a committee or sub-committee.
A SEPAG is part of the local school district, not a private or independent group.
Contact us!
E: Rutherfordsepag@gmail.com
Inclusive, good-quality education is a foundation for dynamic and equitable societies.
-Desmond Tutu